FingerTec News 05/07/2016
EpiCamera Enhances Its UX to Serve You Better
Hitting July 2016, EpiCamera takes a leap forward with the following additional features to enhance your user experience (UX):
  1. Live View/Live Stream Widget Display is Now Available at Your Website

You can now generate the html code for the Live View/Live Stream widget to be displayed at your website. For instance, a petting zoo can display their camera view on their website to provide a live broadcast of the pets or environment of the zoo. Hotels can show traffic outside of its building and car park facilities can notify their customers on the available bays and etc. This provides the mean to convey a certain experience or information to people without requiring them to be physically present in the actual scene.

  2. Easily Sync Camera Time with Computer Time through the Quick Menu at the Top Right of the Camera Frame

Easily access Camera Setting when you are viewing on Live View or Live Stream. Also conveniently synchronize the camera time with your computer time. This however, is available for Open Network Video Interface Forum (ONVIF) supported cameras only.

  3. EpiCamera Integrates with PayPal’s Payment Gateway

• You may now manage your subscription plan and recurring payment via credit card smoothly.

• You may add or update your credit card information for auto renewal and billing purposes. Also worry not about security; PayPal closely protects your credit card information.

If you would like to know more about EpiCamera, feel free to tour in
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